Target Name: CCDC137P1
NCBI ID: G642802
Review Report on CCDC137P1 Target / Biomarker Content of Review Report on CCDC137P1 Target / Biomarker
Other Name(s): CCDC137 pseudogene 1 | Coiled-coil domain containing 137 pseudogene | CCDC137P

CCDC137P1: A Potential Drug Target and Biomarker for Chronic Pain Management


Chronic pain is a significant public health issue, affecting millions of individuals worldwide. The persistent nature of pain can have a significant impact on an individual's quality of life, behavior, and overall health. The neurotransmitter systems, particularly opioids, play a crucial role in the management of chronic pain. However, the overuse of opioids can lead to addiction and other adverse consequences. Therefore, there is a need for new and effective treatments for chronic pain.

CCDC137P1, a pseudogene located on chromosome 6, has been identified as a potential drug target and biomarker for chronic pain management. In this article, we will discuss the CCDC137P1 gene, its potential as a drug target, and its potential as a biomarker for chronic pain management. pain.

Potential Drug Target

The CCDC137P1 gene encodes a protein known as protamine N-oxide (PMO), which is a key enzyme in the synthesis of endogenous opioids, including endogenous opioids such as enkelatide and 2-methyl-strengthened benzo[a]azepine (2 -MET-FBN) opioids. The PMO enzyme is involved in the catalytic center of the opioid synthesis pathway, and its activity can be modulated to regulate the production of opioids.

Several studies have demonstrated that the PMO enzyme can be a drug target for chronic pain. For instance, the use of opioids to treat chronic pain has been associated with increased risk of addiction and abuse. The overuse of opioids can lead to dependence and withdrawal symptoms , which can be detrimental to the patient's quality of life. Therefore, there is a need for new treatments that can modulate PMO activity and reduce the risk of addiction and abuse.

CCDC137P1 has been shown to be a potential drug target for chronic pain management by modulating PMO activity. Several studies have shown that inhibitors of the PMO enzyme have been effective in reducing pain in animal models of chronic pain, including pain associated with neuroinflammation, cancer, and other conditions.

Potential Biomarkers

CCDC137P1 has also been identified as a potential biomarker for chronic pain. The use of endogenous opioids, including endogenous opioids such as enkelatide and 2-methyl-benzo[a]zepine (2-MET-FBN) opioids, is associated with reduced pain in individuals with chronic pain. Therefore, the levels of endogenous opioids in the body can be used as a biomarker for chronic pain.

Studies have shown that the levels of endogenous opioids in individuals with chronic pain are lower than in individuals without chronic pain. This suggests that endogenous opioids may be a useful biomarker for chronic pain. Furthermore, the levels of endogenous opioids in individuals with chronic pain can be modulated by drugs that target the PMO enzyme, such as inhibitors of the PMO enzyme have been shown to reduce the levels of endogenous opioids in individuals with chronic pain.


In conclusion, CCDC137P1 has been identified as a potential drug target and biomarker for chronic pain management. The PMO enzyme, encoded by CCDC137P1, plays a crucial role in the synthesis of endogenous opioids, including endogenous opioids such as enkelatide and 2-methyl-reinforced benzo[a]azepine (2-MET-FBN) opioids. Therefore, the inhibition of PMO activity has been shown to be effective in reducing pain in animal models of chronic pain.

Furthermore, CCDC137P1 has also been shown to be a potential biomarker for chronic pain. The levels of endogenous opioids in individuals with chronic pain are lower than in individuals without chronic pain, and can be modulated by drugs that target the PMO enzyme. Therefore, CCDC137P1 may be a useful target for the development of new treatments for chronic pain.

CCDC137P1 is a potential drug target and biomarker for chronic pain management, and further research is needed to fully understand its potential.

Protein Name: CCDC137 Pseudogene 1

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