Target Name: CCDC175
NCBI ID: G729665
Review Report on CCDC175 Target / Biomarker Content of Review Report on CCDC175 Target / Biomarker
Other Name(s): CC175_HUMAN | coiled-coil domain containing 175 | Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 175 | c14_5395 | C14_5395 | coiled-coil domain-containing protein 175 | C14orf38 | Coiled-coil domain containing 175

CD175: A Potential Drug Target for Cancer

CCDC175 (CC175_HUMAN), a protein that is expressed in various tissues of the human body, has been identified as a potential drug target or biomarker. The protein is involved in a variety of cellular processes, including cell adhesion, migration, and invasion, which makes it an attractive target for drug development due to its potential impact on various diseases.

CDC175 is a member of the CD28 superfamily, which includes proteins that are involved in cell-cell and cell-tissue interactions. This protein is expressed in various tissues of the human body, including the liver, lung, heart, and brain. It is also found in various cell types, including T cells, macrophages, and cancer cells.

One of the key functions of CDC175 is its role in cell adhesion. Adhesion is the process by which cells stick together to form tissues and organs. CD175 is involved in the formation of tight junctions, which are specialized junctions that form between adjacent cells. This helps to maintain the integrity of tissues and is critical for various physiological processes, including the development and maintenance of tissues such as the skin and the lining of the gut.

Another function of CDC175 is its role in cell migration. Cell migration is the process by which cells move from one location to another in order to carry out their functions. CD175 is involved in the migration of various cell types, including cancer cells. This is important for the development and progression of many types of cancer, including breast, lung, and ovarian cancer.

In addition to its role in cell adhesion and migration, CDC175 is also involved in the regulation of cellular processes that are important for overall cellular health. For example, it is involved in the regulation of cell apoptosis, which is the process by which cells die when they have reached their lifespan. This regulation is important for maintaining the integrity of tissues and for the development and maintenance of normal cellular processes.

The potential drug target status of CDC175 is due to its involvement in various cellular processes that are important for overall cellular health. This makes it an attractive target for drug development due to its potential impact on various diseases.

One potential mechanism by which CDC175 could be targeted by drugs is its role in cell adhesion. Many drugs that are used to treat cancer, such as tyrosine kinase inhibitors, work by inhibiting the formation of tight junctions, which can lead to the breakdown of cell adhesion. By blocking this process, these drugs can inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells.

Another potential mechanism by which CDC175 could be targeted by drugs is its role in cell migration. Many drugs that are used to treat cancer, such as inhibitors of the protein kinase CK (PKC), work by inhibiting the formation of mitochondrial barriers, which can lead to the breakdown of cellular barriers and the easy passage of cancer cells through the body. By blocking this process, these drugs can inhibit the migration of cancer cells.

In addition to its potential role in cell adhesion and migration, CDC175 may also be involved in the regulation of cellular processes that are important for overall cellular health. For example, it is involved in the regulation of cell apoptosis, which is the process by which cells die when they have reached their lifespan. This regulation is important for maintaining the integrity of tissues and for the development and maintenance of normal cellular processes.

Overall, the potential drug target status of CDC175 makes it an attractive target for drug development due to its involvement in various cellular processes that are important for overall cellular health. Further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms of its potential drug targets and to develop safe and effective treatments for a variety of diseases.

Protein Name: Coiled-coil Domain Containing 175

The "CCDC175 Target / Biomarker Review Report" is a customizable review of hundreds up to thousends of related scientific research literature by AI technology, covering specific information about CCDC175 comprehensively, including but not limited to:
•   general information;
•   protein structure and compound binding;
•   protein biological mechanisms;
•   its importance;
•   the target screening and validation;
•   expression level;
•   disease relevance;
•   drug resistance;
•   related combination drugs;
•   pharmacochemistry experiments;
•   related patent analysis;
•   advantages and risks of development, etc.
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