Target Name: CCDC121
NCBI ID: G79635
Review Report on CCDC121 Target / Biomarker Content of Review Report on CCDC121 Target / Biomarker
Other Name(s): Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 121 (isoform 2) | Coiled-coil domain containing 121, transcript variant 2 | Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 121 | CC121_HUMAN | coiled-coil domain containing 121 | CCDC121 variant 2

Unique Protein: CDC121 and Its Potential as A Drug Target

CCDC121 is a protein that is expressed in a variety of tissues throughout the body, including the brain, heart, and kidneys. It is a member of the superfamily of coiled-coil domain-containing proteins, which are a type of protein that is characterized by the presence of a coiled-coil structure in the cytoplasm.

CDC121 is unique due to its structure and the function it is thought to have. The protein is composed of 118 amino acid residues and has a calculated molecular weight of 12.9 kDa. It is mostly expressed in the brain, where it is found in the basal ganglia, which is responsible for the coordination and control of muscle movement.

One of the unique features of CDC121 is its coiled-coil structure. The protein forms a long, linear isoform that is coiled together in a specific way. This coiled structure is thought to play a role in the protein's function, as it allows it to interact with other proteins in the brain in a specific way.

In addition to its unique structure, CDC121 is also known for its role in several important cellular processes. For example, it is involved in the regulation of the levels of neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers that are used by the brain to communicate with other cells. It is also involved in the development and maintenance of the myelin sheath that surrounds the neurons, which is thought to play a role in the regulation of neural signals.

Despite its unique structure and function, CDC121 is not yet a well-established drug target or biomarker. However, studies have suggested that it may be a potential drug target for a variety of neurological and psychiatric disorders, including Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and depression.

One reason for the potential interest in CDC121 as a drug target is its unique structure, which allows it to interact with specific proteins in the brain. This interaction may be what makes it possible to target the protein with small molecules or other drugs that can modulate its function.

Another reason for the potential interest in CDC121 as a drug target is its involvement in several important cellular processes. This suggests that it may be a useful biomarker for a variety of neurological and psychiatric disorders. For example, if an individual has the genetic mutation that is associated with CDC121, they may be more likely to develop certain disorders, such as Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's disease. By targeting CDC121 with drugs, researchers may be able to treat these disorders.

In conclusion, CDC121 is a protein that is expressed in a variety of tissues throughout the body and is thought to play a role in several important cellular processes. Its unique structure, including its coiled-coil structure, and its involvement in the regulation of neurotransmitters and the development and maintenance of the myelin sheath make it a potential drug target or biomarker. Further research is needed to fully understand its function and potential as a drug.

Protein Name: Coiled-coil Domain Containing 121

The "CCDC121 Target / Biomarker Review Report" is a customizable review of hundreds up to thousends of related scientific research literature by AI technology, covering specific information about CCDC121 comprehensively, including but not limited to:
•   general information;
•   protein structure and compound binding;
•   protein biological mechanisms;
•   its importance;
•   the target screening and validation;
•   expression level;
•   disease relevance;
•   drug resistance;
•   related combination drugs;
•   pharmacochemistry experiments;
•   related patent analysis;
•   advantages and risks of development, etc.
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