Target Name: CCDC12
NCBI ID: G151903
Review Report on CCDC12 Target / Biomarker Content of Review Report on CCDC12 Target / Biomarker
Other Name(s): coiled-coil domain containing 12 | Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 12 | FLJ39430 | FLJ40801 | MGC23918 | Coiled-coil domain containing 12 | OTTHUMP00000164781 | CCD12_HUMAN

Unlocking the Potential of CCDC12: A Potential Drug Target and Biomarker

The protein CCDC12, also known as coiled-coil domain containing 12, has been identified as a potential drug target and biomarker. CCDC12 is a unique protein that plays a critical role in the regulation of cell growth, differentiation, and survival. Its unique structure and function have made it an attractive target for drug development. In this article, we will explore the potential of CCDC12 as a drug target and biomarker.

CDC12: A Protein of Unconventional Structure and Function

CDC12 is a 12-kDa protein that is expressed in most tissues of the body. It has a unique structure that is composed of a long coiled-coil region and a short N-terminus. The coiled-coil region is the protein's most remarkable feature, as it forms a closed loop that is involved in the regulation of various cellular processes.

The N-terminus of CDC12 is a unique feature that is conserved in all its species. It is involved in the protein's stability and in its ability to interact with other proteins. This N-terminus is also involved in the regulation of the activity of CDC12, as it plays a critical role in the formation of the protein's coiled-coil structure.

CDC12's Unique Function in Cellular Biology

CDC12's function in cellular biology is multifaceted and includes roles in various cellular processes, including cell growth, differentiation, and survival. One of the most significant functions of CDC12 is its role in the regulation of cell growth. CDC12 plays a critical role in the regulation of cell size and in the maintenance of cellular homeostasis.

In addition to its role in cell growth, CDC12 is also involved in the regulation of cell differentiation. As development progresses, CDC12 plays a critical role in the regulation of cell fate and in the formation of various tissues and organs.

Furthermore, CDC12 is also involved in the regulation of cell survival. It plays a critical role in the regulation of apoptosis, which is a natural mechanism of cell death that is essential for the development and maintenance of tissues and organs.

CDC12 as a Drug Target

CDC12's unique structure and function make it an attractive target for drug development. The coiled-coil region of CDC12 plays a critical role in its regulation, and drugs that can interact with this region may have a unique mechanism of action. In addition, the N-terminus of CDC12 is involved in the regulation of its activity, and drugs that can interact with this region may have a different mechanism of action.

One of the most promising strategies for targeting CDC12 is the use of small molecules. Many small molecules have been shown to interact with the coiled-coil region of CDC12 and to have potential as drug candidates. One such small molecule is known as BHQ-140, which is a potent inhibitor of the transcription factor, p53. BHQ-140 has been shown to interact with the coiled-coil region of CDC12 and to inhibit its activity.

In addition to BHQ-140, a number of other small molecules have been shown to interact with the coiled-coil region of CDC12 and to have potential as drug candidates. These small molecules include inhibitors of the tyrosine kinase activity of CDC12, as well as inhibitors of its role in the regulation of cell growth and differentiation.

CDC12 as a Biomarker

In addition to its potential as a drug target, CDC12 is also a promising biomarker. Its unique structure and function make it an attractive target for the development of antibodies that can detect and measure its activity. These antibodies

Protein Name: Coiled-coil Domain Containing 12

The "CCDC12 Target / Biomarker Review Report" is a customizable review of hundreds up to thousends of related scientific research literature by AI technology, covering specific information about CCDC12 comprehensively, including but not limited to:
•   general information;
•   protein structure and compound binding;
•   protein biological mechanisms;
•   its importance;
•   the target screening and validation;
•   expression level;
•   disease relevance;
•   drug resistance;
•   related combination drugs;
•   pharmacochemistry experiments;
•   related patent analysis;
•   advantages and risks of development, etc.
The report is helpful for project application, drug molecule design, research progress updates, publication of research papers, patent applications, etc. If you are interested to get a full version of this report, please feel free to contact us at

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