Target Name: CCDC106
NCBI ID: G29903
Review Report on CCDC106 Target / Biomarker Content of Review Report on CCDC106 Target / Biomarker
Other Name(s): Coiled-coil domain containing 106, transcript variant 1 | Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 106 | coiled-coil domain containing 106 | Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 106 (isoform 1) | HSU79303 | CC106_HUMAN | ZNF581 | CCDC106 variant 1 | Protein predicted by clone 23882 | protein predicted by clone 23882

Unlocking the Potential of CCDC106: A novel Drug Target and Biomarker

CDC106, also known as Coiled-coil domain containing 106, is a protein that plays a crucial role in various cellular processes. Its unique structure, which consists of a coiled-coil domain, has piqued the interest of researchers due to its potential to interact with various molecules. In this article, we will explore the potential of CCDC106 as a drug target and biomarker.

CDC106: Structure and Function

The CCDC106 protein is a 140-kDa protein that belongs to the family of coiled-coil domain containing proteins (CCDIPs). These proteins are known for their ability to form a stable, water-soluble helical structure, composed of a core protein and a coiled-coil domain. The coiled-coil domain is the primary structure that gives CCDC106 its unique feature and allows it to interact with various molecules.

One of the most remarkable aspects of CCDC106 is its ability to form a stable coiled-coil structure. This is due to the specific arrangement of the protein's amino acid residues, which results in a highly stable helical structure. The stability of the coiled-coil structure is essential for CCDC106 to perform its various functions, including cell signaling, protein-protein interactions, and intracellular transport.

CDC106 has been shown to play a critical role in several cellular processes, including cell signaling, cell division, and protein-protein interactions. For instance, CCDC106 has been shown to be involved in the regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation. It has also been shown to play a role in intracellular signaling, particularly in the regulation of cell survival and apoptosis.

In addition to its role in cellular signaling, CCDC106 has also been shown to be a potential biomarker for several diseases, including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and autoimmune diseases. This is due to its ability to interact with various molecules, including signaling proteins, transcription factors, and drug targets.

CDC106 as a Drug Target

The potential of CCDC106 as a drug target is due to its unique structure and function. Its coiled-coil domain, which provides a stable platform for protein-protein interactions, makes it an attractive target for small molecules. In addition, CCDC106's role in cell signaling and intracellular signaling makes it an attractive target for drugs that can modulate its activity.

Several studies have shown that CCDC106 can be targeted by small molecules, including inhibitors of tyrosine kinase, inhibitors of protein-protein interactions, and inhibitors of DNA replication. These drugs have been shown to interact with specific residues on CCDC106, leading to a reduction in its activity.

CDC106 as a Biomarker

The potential of CCDC106 as a biomarker is due to its unique structure and function. Its coiled-coil domain, which provides a stable platform for protein-protein interactions, makes it an attractive target for biomarkers that can interact with specific proteins. In addition, CCDC106's role in cell signaling and intracellular signaling makes it an attractive target for biomarkers that can modulate its activity.

Several studies have shown that CCDC106 can be used as a biomarker for several diseases, including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and autoimmune diseases. These biomarkers have been shown to interact with specific proteins, including CCDC106, leading to a reduction in its activity.


In conclusion, CCDC106 is a protein that has captured the interest of researchers due to its unique structure and function. Its coiled-coil domain, which provides a stable platform for protein-protein interactions, makes it an attractive target for small molecules and biomarkers. Its role in cell signaling and intracellular signaling makes it an attractive target for drugs that can modulate its activity. As research continues to advance, the potential of CCDC106 as a drug target and biomarker will continue to grow.

Protein Name: Coiled-coil Domain Containing 106

Functions: Promotes the degradation of p53/TP53 protein and inhibits its transactivity

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•   general information;
•   protein structure and compound binding;
•   protein biological mechanisms;
•   its importance;
•   the target screening and validation;
•   expression level;
•   disease relevance;
•   drug resistance;
•   related combination drugs;
•   pharmacochemistry experiments;
•   related patent analysis;
•   advantages and risks of development, etc.
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