Target Name: CCAR1
NCBI ID: G55749
Review Report on CCAR1 Target / Biomarker Content of Review Report on CCAR1 Target / Biomarker
Other Name(s): Cell division cycle and apoptosis regulator protein 1 (isoform a) | Cell cycle and apoptosis regulatory protein 1 | MGC44628 | CCAR1_HUMAN | CARP-1 | CARP1 | Death inducer with SAP domain | CCAR1 variant 1 | Cell division cycle and apoptosis regulator 1, transcript variant 1 | death inducer with SAP domain | cell cycle and apoptosis regulatory protein 1 | RP11-437A18.1 | cell division cycle and apoptosis regulator 1 | Cell division cycle and apoptosis regulator protein 1 | DIS

CCAR1: A Potential Drug Target and Biomarker for Cell Division Cycle and Apoptosis Regulation

Apoptosis, the natural cell death process, plays a crucial role in maintaining tissue homeostasis and eliminating damaged or dysfunctional cells. However, uncontrolled cell division and apoptosis can lead to the formation of cancerous tumors. The Cell Division Cycle and Apoptosis Regulator Protein 1 (CCAR1) is a protein that regulates the cell division cycle and apoptosis processes. It is a key protein that helps maintain the balance between cell survival and cell death. In this article, we will discuss CCAR1, its function, potential drug targets, and potential biomarkers.

Function of CCAR1

CCAR1 is a 21-kDa protein that is expressed in most tissues of the body. It is a key regulator of the cell division cycle and apoptosis processes. CCAR1 functions by binding to the microtubules of the

Protein Name: Cell Division Cycle And Apoptosis Regulator 1

Functions: Associates with components of the Mediator and p160 coactivator complexes that play a role as intermediaries transducing regulatory signals from upstream transcriptional activator proteins to basal transcription machinery at the core promoter. Recruited to endogenous nuclear receptor target genes in response to the appropriate hormone. Also functions as a p53 coactivator. May thus play an important role in transcriptional regulation (By similarity). May be involved in apoptosis signaling in the presence of the reinoid CD437. Apoptosis induction involves sequestration of 14-3-3 protein(s) and mediated altered expression of multiple cell cycle regulatory genes including MYC, CCNB1 and CDKN1A. Plays a role in cell cycle progression and/or cell proliferation (PubMed:12816952). In association with CALCOCO1 enhances GATA1- and MED1-mediated transcriptional activation from the gamma-globin promoter during erythroid differentiation of K562 erythroleukemia cells (PubMed:24245781). Can act as a both a coactivator and corepressor of AR-mediated transcription. Contributes to chromatin looping and AR transcription complex assembly by stabilizing AR-GATA2 association on chromatin and facilitating MED1 and RNA polymerase II recruitment to AR-binding sites. May play an important role in the growth and tumorigenesis of prostate cancer cells (PubMed:23887938)

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•   general information;
•   protein structure and compound binding;
•   protein biological mechanisms;
•   its importance;
•   the target screening and validation;
•   expression level;
•   disease relevance;
•   drug resistance;
•   related combination drugs;
•   pharmacochemistry experiments;
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•   advantages and risks of development, etc.
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More Common Targets

CCAR2 | CCAT1 | CCAT2 | CCBE1 | CCDC102A | CCDC102B | CCDC103 | CCDC105 | CCDC106 | CCDC107 | CCDC110 | CCDC112 | CCDC113 | CCDC115 | CCDC116 | CCDC117 | CCDC12 | CCDC120 | CCDC121 | CCDC122 | CCDC124 | CCDC125 | CCDC126 | CCDC127 | CCDC13 | CCDC13-AS1 | CCDC13-AS2 | CCDC134 | CCDC136 | CCDC137 | CCDC137P1 | CCDC138 | CCDC14 | CCDC140 | CCDC141 | CCDC142 | CCDC144A | CCDC144BP | CCDC144CP | CCDC144NL | CCDC146 | CCDC148 | CCDC148-AS1 | CCDC149 | CCDC15 | CCDC150 | CCDC152 | CCDC153 | CCDC154 | CCDC157 | CCDC158 | CCDC159 | CCDC160 | CCDC162P | CCDC163 | CCDC166 | CCDC167 | CCDC168 | CCDC169 | CCDC169-SOHLH2 | CCDC17 | CCDC170 | CCDC171 | CCDC172 | CCDC174 | CCDC175 | CCDC177 | CCDC178 | CCDC179 | CCDC18 | CCDC18-AS1 | CCDC180 | CCDC181 | CCDC182 | CCDC183 | CCDC183-AS1 | CCDC184 | CCDC185 | CCDC186 | CCDC187 | CCDC190 | CCDC191 | CCDC192 | CCDC194 | CCDC196 | CCDC197 | CCDC198 | CCDC200 | CCDC201 | CCDC22 | CCDC24 | CCDC25 | CCDC26 | CCDC27 | CCDC28A | CCDC28B | CCDC3 | CCDC30 | CCDC32 | CCDC33