Target Name: CCBE1
NCBI ID: G147372
Review Report on CCBE1 Target / Biomarker Content of Review Report on CCBE1 Target / Biomarker
Other Name(s): KIAA1983 gene | CCBE1_HUMAN | full of fluid protein homolog | Collagen and calcium binding EGF domains 1 | HKLLS1 | Collagen and calcium-binding EGF domain-containing protein 1 | collagen and calcium binding EGF domains 1 | Full of fluid protein homolog | KIAA1983

The CCBE1 gene: a potential drug target and biomarker for the treatment of kidney diseases

Kidney diseases are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, affecting millions of people worldwide. Chronic kidney diseases (CKD) are the most common form of kidney disease and are characterized by a decline in kidney function over time. The development of chronic kidney diseases is a result of the aging population and other factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and a family history of the disease. The treatment of chronic kidney diseases is currently limited and often involves a combination of supportive care and medications that can slow down the progression of the disease. However, there is a growing interest in finding new treatments for chronic kidney diseases.

The CCBE1 gene

The CCBE1 gene is a gene that has not yet been fully characterized. It is located on chromosome 6 and encodes for a protein known as calbindin (CB), which is a well-known protein that is involved in many cellular processes. CB is involved in the regulation of cell signaling, including the signaling pathways that control inflammation, cell growth, and differentiation.

Recent studies have identified the CCBE1 gene as a potential drug target for the treatment of kidney diseases. The CCBE1 gene has been shown to be involved in the development and progression of several types of kidney diseases, including diabetic kidney disease, pre-eclampsia, and chronic kidney disease.

Drug targeting the CCBE1 gene

One approach to targeting the CCBE1 gene is to use drugs that specifically interfere with its function. This can be done by inhibiting the activity of CB signaling pathways, which would result in the loss of CB protein. There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that inhibiting CB signaling pathways can be an effective way to treat kidney diseases.

Anti-inflammatory effects of CB

CB is involved in the regulation of several cellular processes that are involved in inflammation. CB signaling pathways have been shown to play a role in the regulation of inflammation by suppressing the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In addition, CB signaling pathways have also been shown to play a role in the regulation of immune cell function, which is important for the immune response to infection.

Pre-eclampsia is a type of kidney disease that is characterized by high blood pressure and damage to the organs, including the kidneys. Pre-eclampsia is often treated with drugs that aim to reduce inflammation, such as corticosteroids. In addition, recent studies have suggested that CB signaling pathways may be involved in the regulation of pre-eclampsia and that inhibiting their activity may be an effective way to treat the disease.

Chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease is a progressive disease that can result from a variety of factors, including aging, diabetes, high blood pressure, and a family history of the disease. Chronic kidney disease is often treated with medications that aim to slow down the progression of the disease and improve kidney function. However, there is a growing interest in finding new treatments for chronic kidney diseases.

The CCBE1 gene has been shown to be involved in the development and progression of chronic kidney diseases. Studies have suggested that the CCBE1 gene may be a potential drug target for the treatment of chronic kidney diseases by inhibiting the activity of CB signaling pathways, which can result in the loss of CB protein.


The CCBE1 gene has not yet been fully characterized, but it is clear that it is involved in several cellular processes that are important for the development and progression of kidney diseases. The anti-inflammatory effects of CB and its potential role in the regulation of chronic kidney diseases make it an attractive target for future research and development. Further studies are needed to fully understand the role of the CCBE1 gene in

Protein Name: Collagen And Calcium Binding EGF Domains 1

Functions: Required for lymphangioblast budding and angiogenic sprouting from venous endothelium during embryogenesis

The "CCBE1 Target / Biomarker Review Report" is a customizable review of hundreds up to thousends of related scientific research literature by AI technology, covering specific information about CCBE1 comprehensively, including but not limited to:
•   general information;
•   protein structure and compound binding;
•   protein biological mechanisms;
•   its importance;
•   the target screening and validation;
•   expression level;
•   disease relevance;
•   drug resistance;
•   related combination drugs;
•   pharmacochemistry experiments;
•   related patent analysis;
•   advantages and risks of development, etc.
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